Sunday, October 26, 2008


My favorite character is Thea. She wasn't in the beginning but in the end she was the woman who was really in control. Compared to Hedda Mrs. Elvsted is able to leave her husband andwork with Lovborg on publishing a book, having success. These are things that Hedda wants herself but things she doesn't have the courage to get herself. Hedda always complains that she is bored, or that she doesn't really like her marriage. Nothing is stopping her from leaving.Thea had a controlling husband, children she took care of. She left that life for something better, taking a risk and doing something most woman can't do in the 19th century, write books, and leave their husbands, most of them are too oppressed.


DEE-LESS said...

I like to share my favorite character, as I believe it should be Lovburg, hands down. Because he came from such a horrible past and manage to recover from it, its just so remarkable that he is doing so well in society now.

Tonlerbone said...

I think that Thea is an easy character to like, not that that's a bad thing, but like you said, Thea had the courage to do things that women weren't able to do very often at this time. She's certainly easier to like than Hedda who was constantly manipulating everyone.