Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hedda or HOBA?: Suicide

Hedda Gabler was a downer, it lacked something that i liked about the house of Bernarda Alba. In HOBA the plot and the ending seem more clear and justified. When Adela took her life i felt more pity towards her than i did with Hedda taking her life. Hedda was privileged, married, and had nice things, if she learned to appreciate the life she had instead of asking for more, or treating people poorly she wouldn't have taken her life. Hedda always said she was trapped but i don't see how, she never leaves her house, why is that?
Adela had a different story she had Pepe but she couldn't claim him. Adela was trapped in a home that she couldn't escape due to her mother. Adela took her life because she lost her love that gave her the drive to live in a hell with her mother. Adela's death may have seemed careless and childish, but i could understand Adela's reasoning more than Hedda's.
Hedda's reason wasn't clear like Adela's was, that the way i felt about the books in it's entirety. HOBA was clear and with Hedda GAbler i had to read beyween the lines, everything wasn't straight forward.

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